Arab Pensions & Social Insurance Conference 2021

The Arab Pensions Conference is an annual event that aspires to spread the word about the importance of pension planning. Hosted by Fintech Robos in the heart of the Arabian Gulf- Bahrain, it has adapted into a free virtual event that can be attended across the globe.
In the MENA region, many people rely on the government or their families to fund their retirement. While, a huge pension gap exists for expat workers and informal sector employees, although they make up most of the population. The Arab Pensions Conference aims to shed light on these growing issues in the economy, demographics, pension systems, and cultural mindset. The world is changing, and it is time to take initiative and start planning for your pension in an informed way.
What should MENA Pension Systems look like for the next 50 years?
- It has been around 50 years since social insurance and pension systems were first introduced into the various countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region has thrived in the first 50 years of pensions, which we can now dub “the golden years of pensions”. This was possible despite the unexpected volatile economic and labor-market conditions, and the limited single-pillar structure of social insurance through Defined Benefit (DB) pension that exists till this day. In the GCC, a strong oil-economy and a fund lifecycle where asset accumulation grew much faster than the number of retiring workers in the first 40 years, kept pension funds highly solvent and fully able to keep their promises to retirees with a golden handshake.
- With aging populations challenging the very model upon which pensions have been built, with the majority of populations in several MENA countries working in informal sector, with millions of youths being nudged to work in the new gig-economy, with more than half of the workforce in the GCC being expat workers, and with most regional pension funds running chronic actuarial deficits, how should we design the MENA pensions systems for the next 50 years? How do we want our children and their children to retire one or two generations from today?
Event Videos

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Event Schedule
Welcome, Introduction and keynote speeches.
Session 1
What do pension demographics and longevity risk in MENA look like over the next five decades?
Session 2
How do we bring all, or the majority, of the region's population under pension coverage (including informal labor, resident expats)?
Take a Break and start Networking: Meet 1 on 1 with new people through our dynamic chat room.
Session 3
What lessons has the world learned about family financial resilience and social safety net before and after Covid-19?
Session 4
Will the next 50 years generate the same investment returns for pension funds? If not, what's the mitigation?
Take a Break and start Networking: Meet 1 on 1 with new people through our dynamic chat room.
Session 5
Will Fintech decentralize the regional retirement sector in the coming years by giving citizens personal control over their pension planning?
End Session
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